Monday, September 16, 2013

Clay Shirky: "SOPA is a Bad Idea"

To a certain extent I disagree with Clay Shirky's idea about SOPA is bad. If people are using the internet to copy other people's content, that is not really being creative. However, if SOPA and PIPA are enacted this will force people to use their own creativity. Although everyone ideas build off of previous inventors, there is a difference in being creative and copying. In some form it is like plagiarism. When using other people's ideas in a paper, the writer must give credit to that person or cite the sources. So, if producers want to protect their content, they have a right to do so. Today, there are places that are not allowed to used certain characters and images, because of copyright. On the other hand, I believe that enacting these laws will decrease business profits moreso than ever. Users share videos, music and movies all the time. Prohibiting users from sharing will result in most media to be unknown or unpopular. Users will be drawn to something different. Everyone is not fortunate enough to pay for these activities. What people spend their money on varies from person to person. So before seeing a movie or buying and album, they may wait to see the reviews before purchasing. This may result in lack of interest in different media. In my opinion, I think some media users are using piracy as a scape goat, because they are not making enough money compared to others. So that each media producer can have a fair profit they are considering SOPA and PIPA. Is the SOPA and PIPA rant too much? Yes, to an extent,because artists that are making millions of dollars are not hurting or missing the money. But as I stated, "each producer have the right to protect their property."  Both sides have pros and cons.

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