Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Jane McGonigal "Gaming Can Make a Better World"

    In Jane McGonigal, "Gaming Can Make a Better World," She stated many points about how gaming can be positive and increase human problem solving. Although her statements hold some truth, it is still difficult to believe that the complexity of gaming can influence problem solving skills in reality. I agree with the fact when gamers play video games they are more attentive and hopeful than in reality. I think this have something to do with morale and perception. A gamer can collab with other gamers to figure out complicated levels in games.This gives them confidence or hope to achieve goals. However, in real life if one does not have any guidance, one must rely on self. This can be frustrating. People tend to be impatient with real life problems. There is something annoying about encountering the same problem in reality versus the same problem in gaming. In real life, one may fear that there is not another chance, which results in stress and hopelessness. On the other hand, in gaming, it is evident that there are chances after chances no matter how many times you have failed.
    In contrast, I have to disagree with Jane on the statement , "turning virtual heroes into reality heroes." Here is my explanation. To  my knowledge, there are not many games that people are interested in today that is reality related. Those that are, people may not be familiar with. Most games that this generation participates in are in conjunction with sports and wars. In order for a gamer to save the world, there need to be more real life problem solving games. These games need to be invented for game systems also. I think Jane should have been more broad explaining her statement. Furthermore, I do not find the statement that "gamers like to work hard" to be quite true. If gaming is all a gamer knows, gaming is going to be a consistent routine-- it is the mystery of gaming. That does not mean one is working it hard, it means they are enjoying the entertainment. Lastly, I think Jane should have been more specific about what particular aspect of gaming can enhance real life problem solving. In conclusion, if there were more real world situation games, maybe gaming, in some form, would be helpful and applicable to real world problems.

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